Administration’s Faltering Support for Israel and Democrats Value of Human Life
On October 7, 2023 thousands of Hamas militants stormed through security barriers into Israel. In addition to the attacks on foot, thousands of rockets were launched at population centers in Israel. As Hamas proudly livestreamed the attacks on the Israeli communities, the world was appalled by what they witnessed and, largely, supported Israel’s declaration of war against Hamas and all talks of a “two-state solution” ended at that time.
A look at the evidence shows that on October 7, 2023 there were two states: Gaza and Israel. Why? Because in 2005 Israel under Prime Minister Sharon unilaterally gave the Gaza strip to the Palestinians, even forcibly removing Jewish settlers who’d lived there for decades and didn’t want to relocate. The Israelis left the Palestinians a thriving export business deriving from state-of-the-art greenhouses that supplied fruit and flowers to Europe. Articles in Newsweek and the New York Times point out that Gaza could have become the “Singapore of the Middle East.” Instead, the Palestinians destroyed the previously Jewish-owned greenhouses and elected Hamas as their leaders! Victor Sharpe points out, “Sharon had foolishly believed…the Arab residents would build a civilized and peaceful society, thus proving to both Israel and the world that they could live in peace with the Jewish state. It was a delusion…”
Fast forward to October 7, 2023. It was Shemini Atzeret, a high holy day in Israel in which the Jewish people celebrate the gift of the Torah and the joy of religious life. A massive outdoor peace concert was held in southern Israel near the Gaza Strip. That was one of the first areas attacked by Hamas as they dropped down on the concert goers using hang gliders. Unspeakable atrocities against men, women, children and even babies followed, leaving over 1300 Israelis killed and hundreds more wounded. Over 200 Israelis – even young children and babies - were taken as hostages back into Gaza, many remain hostages to this day or their fates are unknown. Documents retrieved from the bodies of dead terrorists indicate orders were given to kill as many as possible in the attacks.
On a map of the Middle East, Israel appears only a little larger than a dot. The Jewish state is surrounded by Muslim countries that seek only one thing – the annihilation of Israel and all Jews residing there. Israel is about the size of New Jersey. According to the Worldmeter, the population of Israel if 9,279,499. To get some perspective, compared per capita, the death toll of the October 7 attack is 14 times higher than the death toll in 9/11. That would be the equivalent of approximately 42,000 dead in the United States. Or let’s look at it this way: the population of New York City is about 8 million people. How would the US government respond if there was another terrorist attack on New York City, but this time it resulted in the deaths of over 1300 men, women and children – raped, murdered, burned alive, decapitated, expectant mothers with their unborn babies cut from their wombs, children murdered in front of their parents, parents murdered in front of their children? How would the US government respond? We know how it responded under President Bush after the attacks on September 11, 2001. The attack on Israel resulted in the most loss of Jewish lives since the Holocaust.
Since the declaration of war was called in October, Israel has been fighting the war on multiple fronts. Not just the actual war effort, but also a public relations war. We all know one of the tactics of Hamas is to hide behind civilians. They themselves do not wear military uniforms, so easily melt into the crowd. Before Israel dropped the first bomb into Gaza, it dropped leaflets and issued warnings in Arabic over the airwaves telling Gazans to relocate. We saw video of the emergency routes being blocked by Hamas as Gazans attempted to flee. As the IDF has now entered Gaza, they have exposed the network of tunnels Hamas has located under hospitals and schools. They’ve found rocket launchers near playgrounds. How does one fight a war against those who hide behind civilians, who take humanitarian aid intended for Gazan civilians to feed their fighters, who take the humanitarian materials intended to build extensive water systems to instead build tunnels to hide in as they attack a peaceful neighbor? Israel’s PR war continues and the world seems to be souring to the ongoing war largely because of the mass antisemitism displayed around the world and even on college campuses here in the US.
However, politics is also playing a role in this administration’s increasing reluctance to strongly back Israel in its fight for survival – after all there is a presidential election coming up. The Democrat Party has largely been taken over by those who support Islam, Iran and Hamas. We know Iran is largely funding the Hamas terrorists, as well as Hezbollah in Lebanon. We also know that President Joe Biden unfroze many of Iran’s $6 billion assets that had been untouchable to them since President Trump was in office. Last summer this administration also allowed Iraq to give Iran $2.7 billion. But – they say – the money is just to be spent on food and medicine. Yeah, right!! The pro-Hamas faction of the Democrat Party is putting intense pressure on Biden to ditch Israel, the only ally the US has in the Middle East. Remember Iran calls the US the Great Satan, not Israel.
With the more recent accidental killing of seven aid workers by Israeli forces, Biden’s demands for a ceasefire have become louder. Biden is adopting the position of Hamas and even Secretary of State Anthony Blinken insinuated that Israel was becoming like Hamas saying, “Democracies place the highest value on human life, every human life. . . If we lose that reverence for human life, we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we confront.”
NOTE to Mr. Blinken: Your Democrat Party supports abortion up to the moment of birth! How is that placing the highest value on human life, every human life??
Do you remember back about one week after the October 7th massacre what White House National Security spokesman John Kirby said, “We don't want to see any civilian deaths or injuries as a result of this conflict. The right number of civilian casualties, quite frankly, . . . is zero.”
Mr. Kirby is ignoring the fact that Hamas specifically targeted civilians on October 7th. Hamas surely did not think that Israel would ignore the October attack, which impacted every family in Israel. Hamas does not care about civilians whether in Gaza or Israel. But let’s take a look at the United States’ recent history when it comes to civilian deaths.
After the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the suicide bombing that led to the death of 13 American military personnel at Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport on August 26, 2021, President Biden told the military, “to develop operational plans to strike ISIS-K assets, leadership, and facilities. We will respond with force and precision at our time, at the place we choose, and the moment of our choosing.” Three days later a missile struck a vehicle near the Kabul airport and the mission was called a success, until further investigation proved it was not and US military called it “a tragic mistake”! In fact, 10 innocent civilians, including an Afghan man employed 15 years by Nutrition & Education International, a US-based humanitarian aid organization and seven children many of which were his nieces and nephews died in that attack. The US did confess to the mistake, but did any military commanders who gave the order to attack suffer any consequences?
The IDF has jumped through hops to satisfy the demands to protect civilians during this war; they called the accidental killing of the aid workers a “grave mistake” and took full responsibility for “this regrettable loss of life”. Israeli military commanders were relieved of duty and others were reprimanded because of the incident. Did any US military commanders lose their jobs over the killing of 10 Afghan civilians? Did Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu call President Biden and chastise him because of the death of these ten civilians? Did he call for the American people to hold a new presidential election because of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the death of 13 military personnel at the Abbey Gate or the death of 10 Afghan civilians? No, yet the Biden Administration is “dropping hints” that Israel needs to hold new elections to replace Netanyahu. Isn’t that election interference?
Immediately after the accidental deaths of the seven aid workers in Gaza by IDF, Biden made a phone call to Prime Minister Netanyahu demanding an “immediate cease fire”. This call was made as Israel is mobilizing its reservists as they prepare for a possible attack from Iran. The call also came as Iran and its Muslim proxy groups prepared for “Al Quds Day”, which falls on the last Friday of Ramadan. The first Al Quds Day was held in 1979 after The Islamic Revolution in Iran and is best described as an orgy of anti-Israel hatred.
As we see this administration’s faltering support for Israel in the ongoing war against Hamas, we are better seeing how US politics play during war time. Israel is in this fight to win and too many politicians just like to fight a war with words and empty threats. Is it any surprise our military has not been permitted to win a war since World War II?
Speaking of elections. PA Congresswoman Madeleine Dean (D-4) put in her two cents on CNN’s “News Central” saying, “We are better off, the world is better off, and the Palestinian people the, Israeli people will be better off if Mr. Netanyahu is ultimately decided in a new vote, whether or not he should continue.” She also said, “Mr. Trump would be a useful idiot to Mr. Netanyahu’s, I think failed ways, the failure of the prosecution of this war” concluding, “Mr. Biden is the world leader who can lead us toward a two-state solution and toward the region living in a more peaceful place.”
Apparently, she does not know the history of the region and Iran’s and its proxies pledge to wipe Israel off the face of the map. What is it the pro-Hamas demonstrators here in the US are saying? Oh yes, it’s “From the River to the Sea”. That’s from the Jordan River westward to the Mediterranean Sea. That is removing Israel off the face of the map.
This is item 10 from Hamas’ Principles and Policies from May 2017:
“Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. Its religious, historic and civilizational status is fundamental to the Arabs, Muslims and the world at large. Its Islamic and Christian holy places belong exclusively to the Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic Ummah. Not one stone of Jerusalem can be surrendered or relinquished. The measures undertaken by the occupiers in Jerusalem, such as Judaization, settlement building, and establishing facts on the ground are fundamentally null and void.”
No, Hamas does not want a two-state solution. Hamas wants Israel and the Jewish people gone.