Has the World Gone Crazy??
Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” But one must wonder! A few examples of how crazy the world has become:
1.) Government preventing the acquisition of inexpensive, reliable gas and oil
2.) Trying to save the planet by imposing restrictions on how people cook, travel, eat, garden, where they live
3.) Ignoring the consequences of attempting to reduce fossil fuels and CO2 to Net Zero for low income people, not only in the US but worldwide.
4.) Willingness to ban the production of nitrogen fertilizer derived from fossil fuels, while ignoring the potential starvation deaths of billions of people who are now enjoying increased crop production due to the use of these fertilizers.
5.) ignoring the real science in order to push an agenda
6.) a willingness to kill the next generation before they ever draw a breath
7.) If members of the next generation are delivered safely from their mother’s womb, then the government and activist groups seek to confuse them about who they are and what their potential is.
8.) The public education system no longer cares about educating students on things that will help them become productive citizens, but rather it has become an entire indoctrination system.
9.) Doctors are forced to bow to government rules and processes and set aside what they know is best for their patient.
10.) Males masquerading as females are destroying women’s sports and attempting to erase womanhood altogether.
11.) Men dressed in outlandish women’s clothing and makeup are given free access to young children in taxpayer funded libraries, all in the name of tolerance.
12.) Marriage is now however society wishes to define it, ignoring the definition of one man one woman marriage known throughout history.
13.) A government which looks the other way as its borders are being invaded by foreigners, some of which are known terrorists and drug dealers.
14.) A government which ignores the victims of human trafficking, some as young as 12.
15.) A government which refuses to enforce laws against obscenity, which has resulted in the escalation of child pornography.
16.) A media which is complicit in a government running roughshod over laws, over states’ rights, over its very citizens.
17.) Sexualizing children through inappropriate books on required reading lists, schools lessons, homework assignments.
18.) Destroying families through government programs, which increase government dependency.
19.) Allowing criminal suspects to be brought in by the police only to let them back on the streets within minutes.
20.) Declaring parents who wish to protect their children from indoctrination a danger to society or even a domestic terrorist.
21.) Activists with an agenda taking over institutions and previously respected professional organizations in order to reshape how Americans think
22.) So-called entertainment pushing a ‘woke’ agenda
23.) Sports franchises and corporations participating in the remaking of America.
24.) Deliberately rewriting history, while ignoring the works and warnings of the nation’s Founding Fathers.
These name only a few crazy things we see in today’s America and it only took me a couple minutes to write them down. You can probably easily add to this list. There is so much going on and the Left’s intention is to keep the various “brushfires” lit as they add more.
In our modern world, there may be “nothing new under the sun” as the writer of Ecclesiastes wrote thousands of years ago, but I don’t think even he could image how crazy things can become when a nation turns her back on God. Then again, maybe he could!