President Joe Biden is scheduled to be in Valley Forge today. I guess he’s attempting to claim he’s another George Washington leading the country through trying times. Joe Biden is NOT George Washington! Let’s do a little comparison:
II Samuel 23:3 says, “He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.”
· When George Washington was about 20 years old, he filled a 24-page manuscript book with prayers. Here’s one of them: “Direct my thoughts, words and work, wash away my sins in the immaculate Blood of the Lamb, and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit . . . daily frame me more and more into the likeness of Thy Son Jesus Christ.”
· George Washington and the other Founding Fathers fully believed their defeat of the British was only through God’s intervention on their behalf. There were too many miracles to ignore.
· President Joe Biden consistently fails to even mention God in his Thanksgiving and Christmas proclamations.
When you were in school - back when they taught real history - did you ever hear the story of George Washington confessing to chopping down a cherry tree because he could not lie? Well . . . Joe Biden’s reputation for not being “totally truthful” goes back for decades and continues to this day.
December 1777 saw General George Washington move the Continental Army into Valley Forge for the winter. Snow and extreme cold came early that year, freezing over the Schuylkill River. In the entire dwindling army of eleven thousand men, there may have been less than a dozen properly equipped for the terrible winter that lay ahead. For many their footgear consisted of strips of blanket wound around their feet. As they arrived in Valley Forge, they were faced with building their own log cabins – 16 feet long, fourteen feet wide and six feet high. General Washington had designed the cabins so simply that they could be built quickly by men not possessing woodmen’s skills. Seven hundred were erected in less than a month. General Washington supervised the entire operation and only after all his men were sheltered, did he leave his own leaky tent to move into the relative comfort of Isaac Potts’ house, which would be his headquarters.
The soldiers’ meals consisted of “firecake” – wheat or cornmeal poured into a kettle of water, mixed, and ladled out on a big stone in the middle of an open fire, where it baked. Occasionally there was salt pork or dried fish. Winter clothing was almost non-existent and Washington had to issue a general order threatening punishment to anyone cutting up a tent to make a coat out of it because they would be needed for next summer. Remember the soldiers had to fetch their own water, gather the wood for their own fires, and for the most part cook their own meals. Their suffering did not escape General Washington’s notice and early each morning he began making the rounds of the camp and would spend most of the day riding from one regiment to the next, talking with the men. Army Dr. James Thatcher commented, “The army . . .was not without consolation, for his excellency, the commander-in-chief . . . manifested a fatherly concern and fellow-feeling for their sufferings and made every exertion in his power to remedy the evil and to administer the much-desired relief.” General Washington was greatly respected by his men.
That was the example of the first Commander-in-Chief. Today’s Commander-in-Chief shows a lack of concern for those in the military. Examples include the disorganized pull-out from Afghanistan, allowing homosexuals and gender-confused individuals to serve openly, allowing drag queen shows on military bases, lowering the physical standards in order to “prove” women are just as capable of serving in all capacities, implementing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in our military academies, paying for the travel of military personnel and their family members to abortions. Today’s Commander-in-Chief would not get out in the snowy, cold weather to encourage the troops, instead he would head off to the Caribbean for the winter!
Here are a couple of George Washington’s quotes:
“While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian.”
“The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary but especially so in times of public distress and danger. The General hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country.”
These two quotes alone would get George Washington labeled as a “Christian nationalist” by this current administration.
President Biden’s trip to Valley Forge on January 5th is not coincidental. It will also be used to once again point to the so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021 and target President Trump and the MAGA crowd as “threats to our democracy”. The truth is the Founding Fathers did not make the United States a democracy, but rather a constitutional republic. They knew the dangers of a democracy and viewed such as mob rule. Perhaps the current president should study the true history of this nation, instead of rewriting it to fit his worldview.
Here in PA, there is one state senator who wants to highlight the so-called insurrection of January 6, 2021. Philadelphia’s Art Haywood is circulating a co-sponsorship memo for a “a resolution honoring those who sacrificed their lives on 6 January 2021 to defend the nation from violent insurrectionists at the U.S. Capitol and the Members of Congress who stood against the rioters.” Talking about rewriting history, his co-sponsorship memo is just that! The purpose of the resolution is “To honor the courage and sacrifice of the fallen, and to recognize the bravery of the survivors who kept this nation together, this resolution will declare the three-year anniversary of the attack, 6 January 2024, as “1/6 Day” in the Commonwealth.” This resolution should go nowhere!
** Many of the details from the 1777/1778 winter in Valley Forge were taken from The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel. I highly recommend it as they did their research using original documents.