The Dangerous Transgender Ideology Targeting Our Kids
If Planned Parenthood doesn’t get them in the womb, they will destroy them after they are born: For GENDER IDENTITY: “Planned Parenthood recommends teaching the concept that gender is based on a feeling starting in PreK. Your feelings about your gender identity begin as early as age 2 or 3.”
Planned Parenthood is now offering “hormone therapy” for trans and non-binary kids. In fact the Planned Parenthood of Southeastern PA has a 6 to 8 month waiting list!
Dangers of puberty blockers: decreases bone density, infertility, headaches, hot flashes, fatigue, and mood alterations, normal growth of sex organs will be halted, may impact brain development.
In 1989, Lupron was approved by the FDA to treat prostate cancer in men and endometriosis in women. In 1993, the drug was approved to treat central precocious puberty in girls. It also was prescribed by doctors to help short kids grow taller.
Now it’s being used off-label — meaning that it doesn’t have FDA approval — to treat boys and girls who suffer from gender dysphoria. It does what it’s made to do — stop puberty. But apparently at an unexpected cost to the children being treated. Puberty isn’t something that’s supposed to be inhibited and it’s not a disease! The FDA acknowledges that since 2004, there have been 20,000 serious adverse reactions in those who have used the drug, including death.
Dangers of cross sex hormones: sterility, stroke, Since the practice of giving cross-sex hormones to children is only about a decade old, even pro-transgender physicians admit they don’t know the long-term outcomes.
In a January 2022 San Francisco Examiner opinion piece, transgender therapist Erica Anderson said in our zeal to identify transgender kids, “. . . we may have strayed from some core principles and we are in danger of losing our way.”
Some researchers and physicians warn against the rush for medical intervention, and they point to another common thread among the teens: Sometimes their transgender declarations happen in clusters.
These researchers think the trend shares similarities with at least one other phenomenon therapists have observed for years: teenage girls in groups of friends who develop eating disorders suddenly and at the same time.
In a similar way, these experts say the influence of peers and social media can lead some girls to search for meaning in a transgender identity or to grasp for answers to other forms of distress by assuming their angst is rooted in dysphoria with their sex.
To start taking cross sex hormones is entering into a lifetime of dependency on hormones
Stats on gender confused kids who go through puberty: For children experiencing gender dysphoria before the age of puberty, the confusion resolves over 80 percent of the time by late adolescence.
How to respond to the line: “What do you want - a dead daughter or a live son?”
“We don’t actually have data on whether psychological assessments lower regret rates,” Johanna Olson-Kennedy, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. Additionally, a handful of studies supposedly showing the suicide risk of gender minority youth who are not supported are also not entirely conclusive.
In what other situation is a suicidal individual allowed to dictate his or her treatment?
Why are kids identifying as ‘transgender”?
Indoctrination in schools – books in school libraries – lessons – comprehensive sex ed (PA DOE gender identity webpage suggests teachers should not make assumptions about students' pronouns, and listed "ne, ve, ze/zie and xe" as some examples. The Pennsylvania website also claimed the concept of two genders, male and female, was a "faulty concept.")
So, what kind of LGBTQ indoctrination will kids in public schools be subjected to? feminist writer of "The Abolition of Sex," Kara Dansky, who has been a vocal voice against the gender identity movement. "It may seem unrelated, but these efforts to use different kinds of pronouns are deliberately designed to make us dissociate our minds from the material reality of biological sex," Dansky said. "It may seem like just a nice thing to do to refer to someone using their ‘preferred pronouns,' but the problem with it is it desensitizes us. And… it dissociates our minds from the material reality of sex."
Children’s books in public libraries
Children’s programming
Online and peer pressure – rapid onset gender dysphoria
i.e. the online discussion group for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens ages 13-19 partially run by Planned Parenthood. -- The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting this: the space discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. It also mixes LGBT adults and children and is run in part by Planned Parenthood.
YouTube videos have activists telling kids they may be trans and how to go about getting the ‘help’ they need.
Entertainment media/news media
Drag Queen Story Hours in public libraries
Gay Pride events promoted as “family-friendly”
In too many cases therapists are part of the problem.
Many times these children have been previously diagnosed with a mental disorder before claiming to be transgender.
National Institutes of Health has given more than $5 million in grants to a group of doctors and psychologists tasked in part with studying transgender children over a period of decades. All these doctors and Psychologists support children transitioning!!
Psychological and medical organizations are jumping on board without any scientific proof that kids are born ‘transgender”. Who are the science deniers now??
Paul Hruz, an endocrinologist at Washington University in St. Louis, says a substantial number of his colleagues agree with his opposition to kids transitioning, but won’t speak up either: “It’s one of the ways we’re failing our patients.”
“Sex is biologically determined from at the moment of conception” says Hruz. “It’s recognized at the time of birth, it’s not assigned at the time of birth. And even if you modify the appearance of the body, you don’t do anything to change the sex.”
Conversion therapy is a misnomer. Talk Therapy is what children with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confused need. In August Governor Wolf signed an executive order that banned so-called conversion therapy. Where does these leave kids with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion??
Censorship of all research that does not agree with the “accepted line” that some people are born in the wrong body.
WHY this attack on children and their families?? Marxism: one of the main goals for their success is to destroy the family – what better way to do that than bit child against parent.
Too many hospitals in PA offer “gender affirming care”— Children’s Hospital of Philly
From a March 2022 article on “More kids and young adults are seeking gender-affirming medical care from UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, according to data from the hospital.
In 2017, CHP’s Gender and Sexual Development program logged fewer than 840 visits; last year, it was more than 2,000. The intradisciplinary clinic specializes in gender and sexual identity development and transgender health care. It sees patients who range in age from young adults all the way down to kids as young as nine or 10, right as they’re starting puberty.
“Someone who’s going through puberty, if they identify differently from the sex that was assigned to them at birth, that can be very triggering and distressful. And that is when a lot of gender dysphorias start to manifest,” said Dr. Gerald Montano, the clinic’s medical director.
There are different clinical options for kids who are distressed by physical changes brought on by puberty. One is that a patient can be put on hormone-blockers, which delay unwanted physical changes. This gives a kid and their family time to explore their options and identity.”
Just that short excerpt exposes several falsehoods:
1.) Gender is NOT assigned at birth. A doctor looks at the newborn and immediately KNOWS it is a boy or a girl. This is not a guessing game or simply ‘assigning’ a gender. Observational science tells the doctor this is a boy or a girl.
2.) Yes, hormone blockers delay physical changes brought on by puberty, but they also decreases bone density, causes infertility, headaches, hot flashes, fatigue, and mood alterations, normal growth of sex organs will be halted, may impact brain development. The commonly used puberty blocker, Lupron, is not FDA-approved for this use.
3.) No, this does not give kids and their families an opportunity to explore their options and gender. The first step, puberty blockers, only encourages the confused child to continue in his or her confusion. In the mind of the child, it confirms “he is trans” and he or she will be embraced and celebrated by the LGBTQ crowd, many schools and teachers, even local media possibly. “Social transition” with the use of preferred pronouns and names will continue to entrench the child into transgender ideology. Parents will be forced to go along with this charade or be labeled “transphobes” and possibly even lose their child to the government if viewed as not sufficiently celebratory of their “new son or daughter”