What a twisted world we live in!! We are now told we need to base our decisions on feelings, not facts. Here we go!
Example 1: Back in December 2009, then U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced an agreement with the dairy industry to reduce industry greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2020, mostly by convincing farmers to capture methane from cow manure otherwise released into the atmosphere.
According to the December 2009 AP article, “Agriculture accounts for 7 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. The plan will persuade more farmers to purchase an anaerobic digester, which converts cow manure into electricity. Now, only 2 percent of U.S. dairy farmers use the technology, mostly because it is too costly for family farmers.”
Yes, they have followed through with this lunacy. The EPA is overseeing the project. Today their website has anaerobic digester guidelines, codigestion guidelines – which goes into more detail about codigestion feedstocks, biochemical methane potentials, anaerobic toxicity assays, total solids and volatile solids, alkalinity or pH, chemical oxygen demand and laboratories that conduct testing of anaerobic digester feedstocks. Then the farmer must connect to the power grid in order to help save the planet through all that “methane-produced power”. Oh yes, and he cannot forget about permits to do all this! From the EPA website - “Anaerobic digesters must meet local, state and federal regulatory and permitting requirements for air, solid waste and water. These requirements are in addition to permitting requirements for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). Anaerobic digester permit requirements vary by location and change frequently. Local, state and federal resources can help you navigate the permit process.”
The EPA website also lists the hazards of these anaerobic digesters. They are drowning, fall protection, burns, entanglement hazard, feedstock and digestate spills, mechanical failures, lockout/tagout, ignition sources and noise levels.
So, the federal government wants farmers to regulate cows. Also from the EPA website: “AFOs (Animal Feeding Operations) that meet the regulatory definition of a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) are regulated under the NPDES permitting program. The NPDES program regulates the discharge of pollutants from point sources to waters of the United States.” NPDES is the acronym for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
Of course, none of these mandates impact the costs of beef or milk! Who says we don’t live in a regulatory nightmare? Why can’t we just let cows back out in the pasture to leave their cowpies??
Example 2: blocking out the sun—who needs it anyway?? Have you seen the chemtrails in your area? The federal government is using geoengineering to reflect the suns rays in order to lower the earth’s temperature. From a January 23, 2020 science.org article: “The top climate change scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said he has received $4 million from Congress and permission from his agency to study two emergency—and controversial—methods to cool the Earth if the U.S. and other nations fail to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.”
David Fahey, director of the Chemical Sciences Division of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory, called geoengineering Plan Be to save the planet. The $4 million is to allow him to explore two methods: to inject sulfur dioxide or a similar aerosol into the stratosphere to help shade the Earth from more intense sunlight and the other is the use an aerosol of sea salt particles to improve the ability of low-lying clouds over the ocean to act as shade.
As a sign of how controversial the term “geoengineering” is, Fahey suggested the term be changed to “climate intervention”.
Problems with these efforts to save the planet include injections of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere might reduce seafood by acidifying the oceans. According to the EPA info on sodium oxide or SO2, “Short-term exposures to SO2 can harm the human respiratory system and make breathing difficult. People with asthma, particularly children, are sensitive to these effects of SO2.
SO2 emissions that lead to high concentrations of SO2 in the air generally also lead to the formation of other sulfur oxides (SOx). SOx can react with other compounds in the atmosphere to form small particles. These particles contribute to particulate matter (PM) pollution. Small particles may penetrate deeply into the lungs and in sufficient quantity can contribute to health problems. At high concentrations, gaseous SOx can harm trees and plants by damaging foliage and decreasing growth.”
In a co-sponsorship memo, PA Senator Doug Mastriano (R-Franklin) says, “The White House last year released a report, "Congressionally Mandated Research Plan & Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification" providing documentation that the Federal Government, or other entities acting on the Federal Government's behalf or at the Federal Government's request, may conduct solar radiation modification (SRM), or geoengineering experiments involving the release of air contaminants into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within this Commonwealth.”
SB 1264: “The Clean Air Preservation Act will prohibit the injection, release, or dispersion of chemicals, chemical compounds, or substances within the borders of Pennsylvania into the atmosphere for purposes which include affecting temperature, weather, and intensity of sunlight.”
States are concerned about this issue as similar bills have been introduced in Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Illinois, South Dakota, Missouri, Kentucky, South Carolina, Minnesota, and Ohio -- and passed into law in Tennessee.
What could go wrong?? Fahey says it may take until the next century to cool the planet. Then what? Why does man think he can block the sun’s rays – without the sun, there’s no food, no animals and no humans! How can man believe he is so wise that he can block the sun’s rays?
Example 3: Carbon capture. Tom DeWeese, founder and president of the American Policy Center, says, “In all of my years of fighting the lies and insane policies of the radical environmental movement, this is without doubt their DUMBEST plan ever – but it’s also one of the MOST DANGEROUS that we have ever faced.”
As DeWeese put it in an August 12, 2022 article, “Here’s the scheme. Thousands of acres of privately-owned, food-producing Midwest Corn Belt farmland are targeted for a new 1300-mile long-pipeline. But NOT a pipeline to bring us desperately needed fuel oil. No – the purpose of this pipeline is to capture carbon dioxide and TRANSPORT IT UNDER GROUND!!!!”
As the article goes on to say, “As their land is confiscated, farmers won’t be allowed to grow food. No crops will be grown. The pipeline won’t be placed on the edges of the farm property — but will drive right through the middle, rendering much of the rest of the farm’s land useless. The first step in creating the pipeline will be to rip up the topsoil. Farmers are promised, if they will sign an easement agreement to voluntarily give up the land, in the first year they will be paid eighty percent of what they would have brought in for crop production. Sixty percent is promised for the second year, and forty percent for the third year. Little has been mentioned for what is to come after that.”
Bill Gates, the biggest promoters of synthetic beef, is buying up millions of acres of farmland. Why??
According to a Climate Portal article by Howard Herzog, Senior Research Engineer in the MIT Energy Initiative, “The idea behind CCS is to capture the CO2 generated by burning fossil fuels before it is released to the atmosphere. The question is then: What to do with the captured CO2? Most current CCS strategies call for the injection of CO2 deep underground. This forms a “closed loop”, where the carbon is extracted from the Earth as fossil fuels and then is returned to the Earth as CO2. Most current carbon capture projects use a liquid to chemically remove the CO2 before it goes out the smokestack, but several new types of capture processes are under development. The captured CO2 gas is then compressed so it becomes liquid-like and transported to a storage site, generally through a pipeline. Once at the storage site, the CO2 is pumped more than 2,500 feet down wells into geological formations like used-up oil and gas reservoirs, as well as formations that contain unusable, salty water.”
Not only is farmland being lost to a carbon capture pipeline, but millions more acres are now being used for solar and wind “farms.” These farms do not produce food but, then again, without plant food i.e. CO2, there is no food anyway! What are Americans supposed to eat? Pass the cricket burgers . . . I don’t think so!
Example 4: Increasingly we hear that some people were born in the wrong body. How can this be? I don’t know about you, but my Biology 101 class taught that there are two sexes – male and female.
Our K-12 public schools have become indoctrination centers – DEI, CRT and LGBTQAI+. The latter has been around for decades now. Originally mostly found in schools in urban settings with their Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs and ‘Safe Zones”. However, that indoctrination now reaches schools across the nation, largely aided by the internet.
Sexually explicit LGBTQ books in school libraries, assigned reading assignments, the entertainment media (even cartoons for younger children), video games also play a major role in causing kids to question what was very seldom questioned in the past – their sexuality. I believe also the breakdown of the family plays a role in kids feeling they don’t belong and turn to their peers for acceptance and answers. Not surprisingly, many times they get the wrong answers.
If minors begin to question their sexuality or gender, in too many cases they first go to the internet for “answers’, rather than their parents or another trusted adult. There are too many YouTube videos that “guide” them down the road to destruction. They are being taught that parents cannot be trusted, thus throwing them into the arms of a local LGBTQ Youth Club, many times hosted by Planned Parenthood. And, guess what, Planned Parenthood “just happens” to distribute puberty blockers.
In a November 25, 2022 article, Dr. Erica Anderson, a psychologist who works with transgender children, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that peer influence, particularly social media as a result of teens’ social isolation, is at least partially to blame for soaring rates of gender identity issues among adolescent girls.
“I think the people who are on the far right who say it’s all social influence are wrong. But people on the far left who say there can be no social influence are also wrong. Adolescents are very susceptible to peer influence, so to suggest there can be no influence on young people is preposterous and flies in the face of everything we know about teenagers.”
According to Calvin Freiburger in a Lifesite News article, In an August 2018 study authored by Brown University behavioral scientist Lisa Littman and published in the Public Library of Science’s journal PLOS One, the study reviews 90-question surveys completed by 256 parents of gender-confused children. Eighty-three percent of their children were biologically female, with a mean age of 16.4 and 41 percent having expressed homosexual attraction prior to “coming out” as a different gender.
The study found that 87 percent of the teens belonged to a friend group characterized by some degree of “social influence” on the subject, such as one or multiple other teens in the group announcing their transgenderism “during a similar time as they did” and/or exhibiting increased social media or internet use. Sixty-three percent of the teens had been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder or neurodevelopmental disability before deciding they were a different gender, as well.
“The onset of gender dysphoria seemed to occur in the context of belonging to a peer group where one, multiple, or even all of the friends have become gender dysphoric and transgender-identified during the same timeframe,” Littman wrote. “Parents also report that their children exhibited an increase in social media/internet use prior to disclosure of a transgender identity.”
More than a third of these friendship groups eventually saw the majority of its members decide they were transgendered, with their mental health and relationships with their parents deteriorating as a result.
More evidence that our kid are being used for guinea pigs and blue state governors are using taxpayer dollars to further push the LGBTQ agenda in higher education:
The University of Arizona Family Pride Initiative’s AFFIRM program, which received a $1.2 federal grant, is facing backlash for allegedly working with the Catalina Foothills School District to solicit minors for LGBTQ+ mental health screenings without a parent’s consent.
According to an August 29th College Fix article, “California’s new budget allocates $10 million to expand LGBTQ+ programs at community colleges even as the state faces a massive budget shortfall. The state money will be spent creating LGBTQ+ centers, adding staff dedicated to these students, and holding lavender graduations, which are special commencement ceremonies for LGBTQ+ students.”
Children across not only the United States, but the world are being targeted by LGBTQ activists. The Biden/Harris Administration’s Department of Education’s new definition of sex in Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity further the attempt to normalize transgenderism. What better way to prove that there is no line between the sexes than to allow boys in girls private spaces and play on their sports teams. To me, the latter proves solidly that there are major differences between the sexes as males who identify as female are shattering sports records and stealing championships and college scholarships from real females. The original purpose of Title IX – to extend greater academic and sports opportunities to girls - is being turned on its head with these new Title IX definitions.
The ultimate question is are we willing to fight for our kids, the future generations of America, or are we simply going to stand by and allow America’s youth to be lied to, drugged, physically mutilated in order to play into the dangerous agenda of a crowd that wants to remake America in their image, a crowd that pretends there is no Creator who has made man in His image. Our children and grandchildren need to know: God doesn’t make mistakes!
These are but four examples of the upside down world we live in today. I’m sure you can think of others – they are in the news every day!