Where Are the Radical Transgender Activists Taking the County?
Last week’s big story (until President Trump’s indictment) was the shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville, TN where a “transgender male” (a biological female) shot her way into the school killing three nine-year-old students and three adults. What are some possibilities as to why this happened and why are there so many more incidences of violence in recent years? Here are some suggestions:
· Violent entertainment
· Violent video games
· Social media
· The devaluing of life through the promotion of abortion or situational ethics lessons such as “the lifeboat problem”
· In school books that are on required reading lists that contain violence and graphic sex scenes
· Fatherlessness
· Hopelessness and hate for what America stands for taught through the distortion of history
· Response to bullying
Those name only a few, but as we look at the shooting in Nashville, we have to acknowledge that the shooter was a biological female who identified as a male and that individual was being treated for an emotional disorder. Was she on drugs to combat that issue? Were drugs prescribed and she quit taking them or did she never take them? Did the drugs alter her perception to reality? So many unanswered questions, but the end result is seven deaths – six victims and one perpetrator.
The shooter was identified as a former student at the K-12 school. So, the assumption is from there she went to public school and possibly college. Did those “education institutions” influence the decision to question her gender? Another unanswered question.
Another fact we know is that last week also saw the Capitol buildings in four states overrun by transgender and left wing protestors
· March 27 (the day of the shooting by a gender confused female at the Covington School in Nashville) – hundreds of transgender protestors filled three levels of the rotunda of the Texas Capitol extension in Austin. They were there to oppose HB 1686 which would prohibit gender transition procedures on minors “for the purpose of transitioning a child’s biological sex
· March 29th – In Frankfort, KY the House and Senate overrides Governor Beshear’s veto of SB 150, which promotes parental rights in education, guarantees student privacy in bathrooms and locker rooms, and protects minors from gender transition procedures. Hundreds of pro-transgender activists (including students from numerous area schools) gathered on the capitol steps. They migrated to outside the Senate chambers, shouting and chanting in an attempt to disrupt the debate. After the Senate voted to override the veto, the transgender activists then proceeded to the House chambers. From the overhead gallery, they waved signs and chanted until the noise became so loud it disruptive the legislative proceedings below. The police were called in to remove the protesters. Nineteen were charged with criminal trespass in the third degree.
· March 30th in Nashville, TN hundreds (some say thousands) flood the capitol building demanding stronger gun laws. Initially they entered peacefully, but the crowd got louder and became more disruptive. Three Democrat House members joined in the protests before noon. During a moment of silence for the six victims of the March 27th shooting in the city, there was debate over whether there were six or seven victims. Many of the protestors also wanted to label the shooter as a victim and not the perpetrator who killed three nine-year-olds and three adults.
· March 31st in Tallahassee, FL members of the Student Unity Coalition of South Florida went to the state capitol’s rotunda wearing rainbow flags, LGBT face paint and pins. They were there to protest HB 1069, expanding the Parental Rights in Education Act which passed last year. The bill clarifies provisions on school libraries, adjudication processes, and the biological basis for its definition of sex. To the dismay of the protestors the bill passed the FL House by a vote of 77-35.
A study out of Canada entitled “Meaning in Life, Future Orientation and Support for Violent Radicalization Among Canadian College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic” found in the journal Frontiers of Psychiatry also reveals "Transgender and gender-diverse youth emerge as the group at the highest risk of support for VR [Violent Radicalization]." However, you have to dig through the study to find that revelation as it is not mentioned in the abstract and is not found until page nine.
Transgender activists were livid when the news media used female pronouns when referring to the “transgender male” shooter. Let’s face it Audrey Hale was a female and remained so until her death on that morning of March 27th. No matter what she may have done to her physical body, her DNA would always scream “FEMALE”.
Those who are gender confused need help. They do not need affirmation, but they need therapy to get to the root cause of their confusion.
March 31st was the “Transgender Day of Visibility” and President Joe Biden does not get it! In his statement on that day, he pledged support for LGBTQI+ youth announcing that he has used taxpayer dollars (although he did leave out the part of whose money he was using) to provide “dedicated emergency mental resources” including counselors specifically trained to support LGBTQI+ youth. He also railed against common sense state laws that have been passed to protect kids from puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and mutilating surgeries.
One thing we do agree with in Joe Biden’s statement: “You are made in the image of God.” Yes, we can agree with that, but we cannot agree with those, like Joe Biden, who are trying to distort that image into something God did not intend. As Genesis Chapter 1 says, “He created them male and female”. God created humans with the DNA which determines who each individual is and that DNA will never change no matter how many cross sex hormones are ingested or surgeries one may undergo. God made you who you are and that will never change.
I repeat, those who are confused about their gender need help – not affirmation into something they were never intended to be and something many are regretting as they mature. Ask Chloe Cole and the many other detransitioners!